An extensive series of porcelain carousel figures created by Willitts Designs. Willitts probably created
more porcelain carousels than any other manufacturer, though sadly stopped producing them after the 1998 Dezendorf series.
Note: These are NOT Tobin Fraley horses, though I've seen lots of sellers on eBay claim they are. Some confusion
seems to exist about them because the most extensive Tobin Fraley signature line was made by Willitts, and because
the horse quality and design is so similar between the 'regular' Willitts and the Tobin Fraley signature-series Willitts.
A Tobin Fraley by Willitts will always have a coin in the base (that has his name on it) and a signature on the belly
of the horse (except for some of the smallest and darkest ones where it either wouldn't fit or wouldn't show up). If
one or both are missing, beware - it probably isn't a true Fraley (note this only applies to the Willitts models - some of
the Enesco, SFMB, Hallmark, and Lefton Fraley pieces don't always follow this rule).